Forza 100

Detergent with high concentration of surface-active agents.

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CHARACTERISTICS: Detergent with a very high concentration of surfactants specially designed to solve all the problems of daily and seasonal cleaning of the boat.

APPLICATION: Spray the product, wait, act with a sponge or brush, rinse. Given the high concentration of valuable raw materials, we recommend diluting the product with water as follows:
1. Fenders, wood, teak, fiberglass: pure or diluted 1: 1;
2. Cushions, fabric awnings, sky, carpet: diluted
1: 1–1: 5, according to the dirt to be removed;
3. Sinks, bidets, toilets, shower trays, taps: diluted 1:10;
4. Plexiglass, interior furnishings, glass: diluted 1:50.
